# PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) MOC This is where we manage the system of "*Personal Knowledge Management*." ## Paradigms - [[Zettelkasten]] by [[@Niklas Luhmann]] - [[{ 2020-09-09 How To Take Smart Notes]] by [[@Sonke Ahrens]] talks about this - [[Evergreen Notes]] by [[@Andy Matuschak]] - [[Spaced Repetition]] - [[Johnny Decimal]] ## Mental Models - [[Feynman technique]] ## Tools - [[VS Code]] - [[FOAM]] - [[Z/Dendron]] - [[Z/Obsidian]] - [[Map Of Content]] - [[+ 2020-08-27 Media Collection Pool - MyMind App|MyMind]] - [[Raindrop.io]] - [[Anki App]] - [[Gingko App]] - [[Research Rabbit]] - [[Roam Research]] - [[Logseq]] - [[cerveau]] - https://www.draw.io - https://asciiflow.com/#/ ### Workflows - [[Flows]] - [[How To Read A Book]] - Academia workflow ### Ideas - [[Top level organization enforces a link based organizational network of information]] ## My Thoughts - [[What is a PKM System]]