#### [[Tribalism]] --- People derive such a large and strong sense of self from where they work, and who they work for^[[[People desire to be a part of something larger than themselves and so devote themselves to their employer]]]. The first thing we usually ask in the USA: > "What do you do?" People gain their anchoring and sense of self from their work to the detriment of all other facets of life. We focus and invest our identity into something as transient as employment when the true value and "marrow" of life is oft found everywhere OTHER than where we earn our money. We earn money to fuel every OTHER aspect of our lives; Hobbies, Interests, Leisure, Family, Growth. People tie their identity to their job/employer or things like football teams when in reality all people really want is a deep connection to a group. Something larger than themselves. A cause, a social movement, a team, a TRIBE. In the end it all returns to our animal brains and our desire for exclusivity and tribalism where we have the inner circle, the US and the THEM and we feel powerful and important because we're on the inside. And being on the inside is LIFE, being out in cold is DEATH. It was imperative to be in good social standing and be a part of a tribe for our survival^[[[Loneliness feels horrible as an evolutionary mechanism to foster strong community ties in order to boost chances of survival]]]. We still haven't evolved past this and our little cliques and groups. Only now we pick social issues, football teams, and big-name employers to rally behind. [[Tribalism]] is deep-rooted in a lot of our divisive actions, policies, and behaviors. --- Tags: [[Identity]] - [[Mental Health]] - [[Social Skills]] - [[Society]] Reference: [Tweet Thread](https://twitter.com/tallguyjenks/status/1349974646561533952) Related: -